If you or someone you know are a low income Kupuna or homebound and would benefit from receiving fresh food, please contact us or complete
the application attached and return it to us. Be assured your personal
information provided to the church remains confidential.
Parish Office: (808) 941-0675
Email: s[email protected]
The Olakino program launched on July 12, 2020,
In Memory of Dr. Jai-Ho Yoo
on the one year anniversary
of his passing.
We are grateful to Dr. Jai-Ho Yoo
and his wife Roselynn,
for their generous contribution to
our Accompaniment Ministry
which has helped begin this
important program for our Kupuna.
We believe that access to healthy food is a basic human right no matter your age.
Doctors and health care providers have long argued that nutrition is essential to health.
Access to healthy foods is essential for preventing and managing health conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure. For older adults, the increased risk of some cancers and chronic disease can be reduced by eating a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. For low income kupuna with financial restrictions , and those who face further barriers due to impaired mobility or they are unable to drive, access to healthy foods can become so challenging that they remain at high risk for poor nutrition.
Due to the soaring costs of housing, healthcare and food, many kupuna often can’t make ends meet or put enough food on their table, thus endangering their Ola (life).
The SSPP Accompaniment Ministry serves our Kupuna in their needs,
to ensure they remain in lokahi (harmony).
The Sts. Peter and Paul Accompaniment Ministry attends to the various needs of our Kupuna, especially those who are homebound and food insecure (not knowing where your next meal is coming from).
We believe that access to healthy food is a basic human right. In a population over age 60,
with crushing health disparities, high cost of living, fixed incomes and unequal access to healthy food, our Kupuna can easily fall victim to food insecurity and poor health.
Through the Olakino Produce Program, low income and homebound Kupuna are provided
supplemental nutritional fresh food bags monthly. These food items include fresh produce, eggs, milk and breads, which are nutritional staples and are often prohibitively expensive for low income kupuna who are struggling to make ends meet.
With the help of volunteers serving in the Accompaniment Ministry of the parish, our Kupuna who are homebound receive their fresh foods via delivery to their home.
The Olakino Produce Program is different from our Catholic Care Brown Bag Project,
as the Olakino Program serves our Kupuna specifically.
The Olakino Program of Sts. Peter and Paul Accompaniment Ministry, provides a monthly
(Fresh Foods) supplemental food bag to our Kupuna in need. Each request will be reviewed
First Come - First Served by our Ministry Leadership and will be considered on a
case by case basis, with Kupuna who meet one of the following criteria:
1. Low Income Kupuna who are registered parishioners of Sts. Peter and Paul Church
and who struggle with food insecurity, thus benefiting from receiving fresh food.
2. Non registered parishioners who are low income and Homebound (due to age, disability or medical condition) making it difficult for them to get to a local food pantry to access resources. Those wishing to apply for this program should live within the zip codes
served by Sts. Peter and Paul Church(96814, 96815, 96824).
A home visit is required for all non registered parishioners seeking assistance.
Due to limited resources, applications will be processed as resources allow.
Applications are reviewed on a First Come—First Served basis.
Lord, it's hard to see our Kupuna suffer, especially from hunger.
We ask you to give them daily bread today and throughout the coming months. Provide the food they need to remain healthy and full of life.
We look to you, O God, our strength.