Dear Parishioners,
The Book of Proverbs tells us that without a vision the people perish (29:18). To that wisdom we might add that without our parish having a pastoral plan the vision cannot be implemented! So, it is with great enthusiasm and in humble service to the Church, that we write this introduction to Sts. Peter and Paul Pastoral Plan, which will guide the focus and work of our parish for the next 3-5 years.
Our Pastoral Plan lays out our vision of building unity among
us , creating a vibrant community of believers , who through
our faith, love and actions, we bring the real presence of Jesus Christ to our world—a world which hungers for God’s love, grace and healing. It seeks to answer the question of how each of us as parishioners (no matter our age, social status or ethnicity), can become more in- volved in the life of our parish and how we as a whole parish, can be more effective, both for our good and the good of others, in living out our baptismal call to be followers of Jesus Christ in this time and place. In what ways can we foster spiritual growth through ongoing conversion of our mind and heart so that discipleship becomes a way of life for each one of us, How do we embody discipleship in our parish community and in the wider world, beyond our parish boundaries and past our comfort zones, through grace, gratitude and generosity?
It is no easy task to pin down the faith-filled aspirations and dreams of a parish as dynamic, multicultur- al, intergenerational and spiritually alive as Sts. Peter and Paul. It takes a determined, talented and energetic group of people to call forth the wisdom of the Holy Spirit from the People of God. Much gratitude is owed to all of you: parishioners, staff, priests, clergy and lay leadership, for your faith, love and commitment which have resulted in this document.
As we begin the implementation of the plan, let us be mindful that we are striving to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and to do the will of our loving God. May we be guided by the Holy Spirit, always remembering Jesus’ words in Matthew 7: “Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on a rock.”
In Loving Service,
Saints Peter and Paul Pastoral Council
Below is a brief introduction “Fast Facts” to our Pastoral Plan. To view the plan in details, parishioners, friends and visitors are invited to view the Parish Pastoral Plan Booklet in our Parish Office.